For many good reasons, the human skin is the largest organ of the body.Not only is it the largest, but it is also the most visible one.However, unlike other organs, it is relatively easy to know when there is a skin problem.As a result, many techniques have been employed to keep the skin healthy and as clear as it can be.One such method is the acne face map.
Acne face mapping originated from an old Chinese belief that the skin is an excellent reflection of a person’s inner health.Although different mapping techniques and acne charts have been introduced in recent times, unfortunately, most don’t rely on traditional Chinese wisdom but dermatology.
Thankfully though, they all still recognize the underlying fact that changes inside of you cause changes in your face.
If you suffer from a severe case of acne, and want to learn more about how to take care of your face to prevent acne, feel free to visit the Acne No More website for more details.
If you need more information on acne face map and how it works, continue reading this article. We will also discuss a few treatments that you can try, but for the best advice, visit the above-mentioned web page.
Table of ContentsWhat Is Acne Face Map?Acne Face Mapping: The HistoryHow It WorksCure your acne the easy way?Acne Locations: What Is Your Acne Telling You 1.Hairline and Temples 2.T-Zone: Forehead, Nose, And Chin 3.Cheeks 4.Jawline TreatmentsConclusion
What Is Acne Face Map?
Chinese face mapping for acne is a technique that claims that internal organs’ changes cause acne breakouts in the body.Another way to look at it is to regard face mapping as the ability to observe your organs’ health reflection by observing your face’s complexion.
The concept has evolved over the years; however, the fundamental principle is still the same.That is, your acne location is a reflection that something is not right with your body.
According to researchers, acne occurs when the skin pores are clogged with oils and dead skin cells.For inflammatory acne, this type occurs when
Propionibacteriumacne, a bacteria, invade the clogged pores to cause swellings and red bumps.
Science also claims that the breakout may be caused by poor hygiene and skin infections.However, if we have learned anything from the past, it is that science does not have an explanation for most effective practices and care routines.
Nonetheless, Acne chart for face is one of the most effective ways to answer the question of what is your acne telling you?
Acne Face Mapping: The History
Chinese face map for acne orMien Shiang, a Chinese term for face reading, is a practice that dates back to about 3000 years.The conviction regards the human face as a map, and that each internal organ is connected to the face.
As a result, when there is an imbalance, it reflects on the skin in the form of dryness, redness, and pimples.However, it is not just the blemish occurrence that tells all there is to know about the ailment.Instead, it is the location where the blemishes occur.
In older times, the demand for face mapping was overwhelming since there were no scans and blood tests.Almost too often, a physician would give diagnosis by asking questions and examining your skin.
According to Chinese medicine, all organs in the body have different temperature, color, and taste.Not just this, changes in each organ manifest in the face.
For example, jaundice is a prevalent liver disease.True to the assertion, one way to detect jaundice is to look in the eyes for yellowness.Hence, it is safe to say that the old wisdom of the ancient Chinese still holds today.
How It Works
According to Chinese wisdom, the body is an interconnected layer of systems and organs.Few of them are the digestive system, lymphatic system, and many more- all connected.Hence, it is very easy for one ailing system to affect the other.
Face chart for acne works to verify how what is going on inside you is linked to what your face is saying.
Look at it like looking at the human body as a whole with the face like a mirror.Hence, by observing the different parts of the face, you can predict the corresponding internal organ’s state.
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Acne Locations: What Is Your Acne Telling You
1.Hairline and Temples
Acne breakout in the hairline and temple is due to the changes in your bladder and liver health.Hence, when acne occurs in any of these areas, it could be due to consuming too many fatty foods or junk foods.It could also be because of overeating dairy, sugar, or alcohol.
Alcohol intake affects the liver.Hence, a lifestyle like this can prompt acne breakout on the temples.
By implication, one way to reduce acne around your hairlines and temples is to maintain a healthy diet for a healthy liver.Avoid alcohol and foods that can cause allergies.It will also help if you don’t take heavily processed or greasy foods.
2.T-Zone: Forehead, Nose, And Chin
·Forehead: Hormonal imbalances or stomach issues often cause forehead acne.Since hormones influence oil production, an imbalanced hormone will stimulate excessive oil production on the entire face.Stomach issues or digestive problems like irritable bowels, indigestion, or acid reflux can also cause breakouts on the forehead.You can switch your diet plan to include less oily and fatty foods.
·Nose: The nose’s right side represents the right side of the heart while the left side represents the left side.So it is safe to say that your heart’s condition has a lot to do with acne on your nose.It could be a result of poor blood circulation, cholesterol, or blood pressure problems. Constipation can also affect acne on the nose.You should look to cut back on salt and spicy foods.
It would also help if you up your vitamin B levels to help with acne.
·Chin: The chin and jaw lines correspond with the reproductive and hormonal system.Hence, acne at the location could be as a result of stress for everyone.However, for a woman, it is mostly caused by the menstrual cycle.Where the acne persists, it could be due to changes to the liver.Hence, the best way to combat it is to balance your hormones and aid your liver health.Omega-3 and spearmint tea, among many remedies, are excellent for soothing the breakouts.You can also talk about your hormones levels with your gynecologists for recommendations.
Acne on the cheeks signifies respiratory distress.Since it is the largest area of the face, it has the most oil glands and is more vulnerable to breakouts.People suffering from allergies and smokers tend to be the most affected by acne on the cheeks.
The right cheek is connected to the lungs.Hence, acne on this part of the face could be due to junk food or excess sugar.Breathing exercises and aerobics are excellent ways to strengthen the lungs.Plus, you can also reduce your intake of sugary foods.
The left cheek is more connected to the liver and is vulnerable in the afternoon, especially when the sun is at its peak.High skin temperatures or overexposure to the sun will likely cause acne on the left cheeks.You can eat cooling foods to help with the breakout.
Acne in the jawline is also linked to hormonal fluctuations.Apart from this, it can also be caused by digestive issues.
A change in your dietary plan to cut back on fried, spicy, and cold foods is an effective way to improve acne in your jawline.
For any of the different locations of the face, an improvement in your lifestyle and diet is one of the best ways to combat acne.If the acne patterns are linked to diet and stress, it will help to eat more vegetables, fruits, drink more water, and get enough sleep.
You should also check the type of makeup you use and wash it away from the face after use.Plus, wash your pillowcase and other materials that come in frequent contact with your skin.
Several topical treatments can also be used to combat excess oil production, bacteria, and inflammation.For example, Benzoyl peroxide works against the bacteria that cause acne.Salicylic acid is also used for unblocking pores, and topical retinoids reduce oil on the face.
However, it is best to have a dermatologist at hand for consultation.
An aesthetician is trained in various skincare techniques, including face mapping.However, a dermatologist is a better choice to visit for skin complaints.Not only will they be able to identify the cause or your acne, but they can also recommend an effective treatment and routine that will help.
Acne face mapping is an old, yet effective way of monitoring change in your internal and external health without incurring too much expense.Acne map reveals what your acne says about you.Not just this, it reveals what your acne says about your health.
More than helping with acne, acne face chart lets you have a glimpse at your internal wellbeing for health improvement that will positively affect your overall body function.
The wisdom of face mapping is that your face is the window to your inside-an effective way to understand acne and any other distress plaguing your body.
Acne face maps and solutions tie an area of your face to a specific organ and let you make lifestyle and diet changes that will reduce acne and ultimately make it disappear.
If you are one of the many people who suffer from acne, feel free to get more information on theAcne No More website.
Acne No Moreis an advanced system that includes all the remedies that you will need if you are serious about your skin and getting rid of acne.